Faloccc Johnson's reaction to Prophetess Olabisi Osomo response video to Tokunbo Aboderin.
Tokunbo Igara ewe Igara were. |
I hardly comment on people's you tube. In regards to Mrs Olabisi Osomo response back to Esabod. I salute her courage. Not everyone could do this, has the liver to speak their mind. Mrs Osomo spoke the raw truth. She defended her self in a way she could possibly do. Omo ale lo oma rinu ti o nibi. Yes!! she rained curses ... only because she was bitterly upset. Be fair, Esabod also do the same.
What difference does that make to her and Esabod. Esabod dislike the truth and will attack back nasty if you confront her. For side photo croppers, you guys need to stop this. You are the ones fueling this matter more. Stealing individual photos , labeling and slandering them on your page without their consent it is so uncalled for.
You claim that you are fighting for Esabod, but hence Esabod said she doesn't need anyone to fight for her. She said she is capable of fighting her battle. Guys what do you intend to gain from all this evil activities. Have you thought of your future and children. As a celebrity you don't bark at every dog. You will have haters but you don't reply to everyone. People ate entitled to give their own opinion. It saddened me to see yoruba's tarnishing their image.
Why do yoruba's so much hate themselves???. Facebook is a public scene, as a celebrity you may not like what you see about your self , kindly walk away. You don't have to stop by and reply. Turn a deaf ear. Maintain a good name. It's people's opinion of what they think of you. Must you croup their pictures and slander to revenge. In a nutshell, if you continue to behave in this manner then you are not ready to rise up. You are not ready to grow or move to greater heights. Many will reap what they sow, it's just a matter of time. God is watching you!